MAHLE SmartBike Systems - Talent Pool - Candidatura espontánea

04_Professionals (technical)
BU1 Powertrain and Charging


(ENG below)


Candidatura espontánea


En MAHLE SmartBike Systems tendrás la oportunidad de trabajar en una de las multinacionales más potentes del sector de la movilidad eléctrica, con grandes oportunidades de desarrollo profesional y rodeado de un entorno multicultural con compañeros que comparten tu pasión por la tecnología y la movilidad. Actualmente somos más de 73.000 empleados y contamos con más de 152 centros de producción y 12 centros de I+D por todo el mundo.


¿No te encaja ninguna de nuestras vacantes? Déjanos tu candidatura espontanea a través de esta oferta.


Si tienes talento y actitud para continuar tu carrera en el área de R&D dentro de la industria de la bicicleta eléctrica, MAHLE SmartBike Systems es tu sitio. 

Si además tienes fluidez en inglés, alta capacidad analítica y de comunicación, eres organizado, con iniciativa, adaptación a los cambios, y te gusta trabajar en equipo: no lo dudes y envíanos tu CV. Lo tendremos en cuenta para próximas oportunidades.

Algunas de las áreas que podrían interesarte son: Testing, Prototipos, Hardware, System Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Acústica, Quality, Software, Purchasing, Supply Chain or Project Management.


¿Qué ofrece MAHLE SmartBike Systems?


  • Acceso a la plataforma de beneficios de MAHLE con múltiples descuentos en servicios, además de disfrutar de nuestras ventajas en retribución flexible.
  • Supervisaremos todo el proceso administrativo para los candidatos que vengan del extranjero.
  • Horario de trabajo flexible y posibilidad de trabajar desde casa (home office).
  • Formación continua.
  • Formar parte de un equipo de rápido crecimiento en una empresa innovadora con una posición estable en el mercado.
  • Posibilidad de trabajar para una marca conocida, líder en el sector de la bicicleta eléctrica, cuyos productos gozan de gran reconocimiento en todo el mundo.
  • Formar parte de un equipo en un entorno multicultural con un fantástico ambiente de trabajo.
  • Acceso a la plataforma de beneficios de MAHLE con múltiples descuentos en servicios, además de disfrutar de nuestras ventajas en retribución flexible.


​​MAHLE SmartBike Systems se compromete a crear un entorno de trabajo inclusivo con una plantilla diversa. Todos los solicitantes cualificados serán tenidos en cuenta para el empleo sin distinción de raza, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, lugar de origen, discapacidad o edad.





Together, we move the world, and we want you to be a part of it. In MAHLE SmartBike Systems you will have the opportunity to work in one of the most powerful multinationals in the ebike sector, with great opportunities for professional development and surrounded by a multicultural environment with colleagues who share your passion for technology and mobility. #StrongerTogether

At MAHLE you will have the opportunity to work in one of the most powerful multinationals in the automotive sector, with great opportunities for professional development and surrounded by a multicultural environment with colleagues who share your passion for technology and mobility. We currently employ more than 73,000 people and have more than 152 production sites and 12 R&D centers around the world and we are among the top 20 automotive supplier companies. 

None of our vacancies fit you? Leave us your spontaneous application through this offer.

If you have talent and attitude to continue your career in the R&D area within the automotive sector, MAHLE SmartBike Systems is your place. 
If you are also fluent in English, have high analytical and communication skills, you are organized, with initiative, adaptable to change, and you like to work in a team: do not hesitate and send us your CV. We will consider it for future opportunities. Some of the areas you might be interested in are Testing, Prototypes, Hardware, System Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Acoustics, Quality, Software, Supply Chain, Purchasing or Project Management. 


What does MAHLE SmartBike Systems offer?

  • We will oversee all the administrative process for candidates who come from abroad. 
  • Flexible work schedule and possible working from home solution (home office).
  • Continuous training. 
  • Becoming a member of a fast-growing team in an innovative company with stable market position. 
  • Possibility to work for a well-known brand, a leader in Ebike industry whose products are highly recognized worldwide.  
  • Be part of a team in a multicultural environment with a fantastic working environment. 
  • Access to the MAHLE benefits platform with multiple discounts on services, and also enjoy our advantages in flexible remuneration.


MAHLE SmartBike Systems is committed to creating an inclusive work environment with a diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, place of origin, disability, or age.

In addition to work in a great team, we encourage you to reach your personal potential and through outstanding learning and development opportunities. Exciting assignments and personalized support for your career are available to you.




Facts about the job

Entry level:  Experienced hires
Part- / Full-time:  Full Time
Functional area:  Human Resources
Department:  BU1 Powertrain and Charging

Palencia, ES, Palencia

Company:  MAHLE Smartbike Sys. (ES)

Closing date for applications
Don't waste any time, apply while the position is online.



Your future at MAHLE

As a team player and someone who thinks ahead, you can deploy all your skills with us. In cooperation with colleagues from different countries and areas, you contribute in designing the mobility of the future. When selecting MAHLE, you choose trend-setting technologies and strategies. Are you interested in working with us and developing efficient and environmentally-friendly solutions, optimising existing products, and turning innovative ideas into reality? Then MAHLE is the right address for you.

Shape the future with us.

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